How Many Acupuncture Treatments Will I Need?

Transparency, trust, and clear communication are three (of many) things I prioritize establishing in the relationships I build with my patients. In this blog, I share everything you need to know about the logistical side to starting care and what goes into creating a treatment plan for the most successful outcomes.

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The 5 Spirits: Supporting The Soul in Chinese Medicine

The Spirit in TCM is made up of five “spirit-minds” that are stored in each of the five Yin organs. You can think of them like facets to your personality: they each have unique roles and characteristics that assert themselves when content or afflicted. Discover how the Five Spirits influence your health and ability to pursue your potential.

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Mood Swings and Blood Sugar Chaos: A Commonly Overlooked Connection

Did you know that behind a “bad case” of anxiety or depression, a blood sugar rollercoaster might be to blame? It’s true, yet this underlying cause is overlooked too often. Learn why it’s problematic, how it masquerades as psychiatric symptoms, plus how to take small steps to re-balance your blood sugar and reclaim your mental health.

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Acupuncture for Anxiety

Anxiety is a symptom. It’s a normal reaction to abnormally stressful situations yet it’s exploded as the diagnosis of our nation. Find out how Acupuncture treats the root causes to anxiety plus the science behind why this ancient medical practice is so naturally effective.

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Can Beauty Hurt? How Chemicals in Skincare + Cosmetics Can Impact Your Health

Switching to cleaner beauty goes beyond skin deep. Learn how chemicals in your skincare items can be harming your hormones, mood, and physical health—plus what you can do about it with these easy-to-implement tips. 

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Zombies, Liver Toxicity, and Leaky Gut: Why Painkillers Should Have New Warning Labels

As popular as Tylenol, Advil, and other common pain killers are, they are not as harmless as our culture has lead us to believe. Learn about the lesser-known, surprising, and severe ways these these tiny pills affect our bodies and brains.

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Why Do I Wake At the Same Time Every Night?

Trouble staying asleep? Ever wonder why you wake up like clockwork each night? It’s not random. Learn what The Chinese Medicine Body Clock has to say about what yours is trying to tell you.

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Your First Acupuncture Treatment

Wondering what to expect? I’m sharing the ins-and-outs of what takes place during your initial visit, plus a look into my approach so you can see if we would be a good fit to work together.

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