Consciously facing our conditions and cultivating a cure, through a whole-bodied, integrative approach…

Meet Your Guide

Elaina Wagner


Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist

Certified Neuromuscular Therapist

“Take yourself on a journey out of the noise and into the realm that cradles you during times of transformation.

Drop your shoulders, soften your face, unclench your teeth and allow yourself to show up as you are — surrendering in a safe space with no judgement and just loving energetics that guide you to your new self...

Immerse yourself in curated services that leave you feeling renewed, lighter, resilient, in less pain and liberated in body and mind — because that is your birthright.

Ride the wave, surrender to the depths and float back to shore where the light will meet you and set you free…”

— Elaina Wagner

Devoted Care

With Elaina you have a genuine mentor to also walk alongside you in your unknowns, from relentless life stressors to the health challenges that arise as a result of her own joune

While enduring the effects of chronic pain and invisible illness herself for decades, the purpose beneath her “why” runs deep - and is palpable when you experience her work.

Whereas she once felt “imprisoned” in her own body and exasperated from the lack of relief from allopathic avenues, she initiated her own heroine’s journey to reclaim her vitality.

Through a series of self-discoveries, intentional lifestyle changes, and commitment to approaches that worked for her, that sense of imprisonment released, freeing her to renew her relationship with her body from a place of devotion vs. dismay.

That’s her wish for you: to trust your ability to heal yourself so you not only recover from what life brings but thrive again too.

Deeper Dive


Elaina is a New England native, and wellness practitioner for over 18 years. At a young age, Elaina was introduced to health-conscious lifestyles and practices including organic farming, yoga and alternative diets which left a deep impression, becoming the roots to her passions as time went on.

Before going to Endicott College for her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Hospitality in 2006, Elaina went on to become a 500-hour registered yoga instructor where she was able to teach at universities, studios, retreats, hospitals and rehabilitation centers which she continues to this day.

After graduating with honors from Endicott, Elaina decided to work in the field of Psychology while going to school for her holistic aesthetics license in 2011. With this license, Elaina fell more in love with assisting others through medicine of therapeutic touch although she felt like there was something missing when chronic pain is so pervasive and barely managed in sustainable, effective ways in conventional avenues of care.

Desiring to offer more than surface level, band-aid methods to assist others out of pain and consciously back into their bodies on top of a history of chronic pain and invisible illness herself, Elaina set out to integrate her personal and professional knowledge to help those in need.

From there, Elaina passionately pursued more holistic, comprehensive therapies by going on to become a Thai Bodywork Practitioner between 2013-2015, a Certified Neuromuscular Therapist and Licensed Massage Bodywork Therapist between 2016-2017.

In 2015, Elaina opened Conscious Cure outside Charlotte, North Carolina and in 2020, while completing her Integrative health coaching certification, Elaina decided to move back home to Maine to be closer to friends and family. She worked for chiropractors in between and opened up Conscious Cure in the winter of 2022 which has since evolved to EIR Integrative

Today, EIR is located here in New Gloucester at Rune Acupuncture. Elaina is elated to be serving at both locations and looks forward to offering potent therapeutic massage medicine to everyone she encounters.

“This life is a gift. I am so honored to be able to give a dose of relief and therefore freedom to those that come in to receive.

This is my why.”


Her Craft


Elaina’s care fosters self discovery & safety to consciously face your health conditions while cultivating a curative approach through whole-bodied, heart centered approaches. A wellness practitioner for over 18 years, the depth of care you are met with is rooted in wisdom earned through her lived experiences and healing journey plus her extensive education as a:

Licensed Bodywork & Massage Therapist

Certified Thai Bodyworker

Certified Neuromuscular Therapist

Certified Integrative Health Coach

Certified Magnified Reiki Healer

500-Hour Certified Yoga Instructor

Previous Licensed Holistic Esthetician

Whether you arrive for pure relaxation, perinatal wellness, pain relief, injury to post-operative healing or a luxe mental retreat, Elaina has an avenue of restorative, immersive care to match your intentions.

What Clients Are Saying…


I have been going to Elaina for massage since 2021, and she is the best in the business. Her work has helped alleviate my pain, symptoms, as well as injuries from many years of Martial Arts. I physically and mentally feel better after the treatment, and the benefits last for days. Her compassion and knowledge have been a driving force in my recovery. I cannot recommend Elaina enough, and anyone in need of treatment! 10/10!”

— Conscious Cure Client on Google

Elaina is just wonderful! I have had several excellent massage therapists over the years, and she is among the best. She is very knowledgeable, skillful, intuitive, and has wonderful positive energy. I really can’t say enough good things about her!”

— Conscious Cure Client on Google

If you are looking for a compassionate, intuitive, beautiful soul that offers a holistic approach to support you on your healing journey whether it be physically and/or mentally Elaina is your person! I first met Elaina when attending her Yin yoga class and experienced how special she was when she provided hands on assistance with poses and ended her class with a crystal bowl sound bath. I left feeling so relaxed yet uplifted! I booked my first massage with her soon after which was amazing! She knew exactly what I needed with the perfect touch. Being a full-time care giver and always feeling I'm in fight-or-flight mode I left feeling an ease in my nervous system I had not felt in a long time. I recently had her Signature Scalp treatment and have to say it was the absolute best experience! She mindfully massaged the energy meridians and muscles in my chest, neck, face, scalp and hair using a wonderful organic hair oil that left my hair feeling so soft and shiny. I can't wait to go back! Elaina is the best of the best when it comes to professional massage. She is intuitive ,very attentive and sensitive to what your body needs. Her studio is quite, peaceful and very calming. I highly recommend Elaina! 10/10!”

— Conscious Cure Client on Google

I have been going to Elaina for neuromuscular combination current massage for several years. She is amazing! I have suffered a motorcycle accident with a spinal fracture, and deal with kyphosis as well as extremely tight fascia tissue. Through specific myofascial release, cupping and gua sha; she has not only helped alleviate my pain, but has also improved my posture and range of motion. I have found this type of massage therapist is hard to find…and I am coming from a distance, but her work is worth the trip!”

— Conscious Cure Client on Google

Get In Touch


Text or Call (207) 370-8033


See EIRIntegrative.com for Hours

60 Pineland Drive, Suite 203

New Gloucester, Maine 04260


Follow on Instagram @eirintegrative


Discover even more about Elaina’s spirit-elevating, whole-bodied approach here: