Women’s Wellness

Our modern healthcare system and culture have led us to believe that the pervasiveness of chronic/painful conditions experienced by women are “normal,” or worse, inevitable. That we should not only expect to experience them at some point in our life, but we should learn to just live with them. The alternatives?

Rely on medications that manipulate our chemistry or modify our bodies in irrevocable ways.

The time and place for allopathic intervention is your decision to make - but what if there was another way? An ancient one that works with your body with respect to its unique nature, power, and propensities…

A healing art that proactively supports the fullest expression of our body’s potential rather than a reactively pathologizing and suppressing it… A way where normal is defined by the absence of pain and disharmony, not the presence of it…. A way that is natural, gentle, non-invasive, and cultivates embodiment. rather than severing the connection further…

At Rune, this is my way of tending to Women’s Health.

Guiding you to experience how capable your body is of healing itself when you offer it the support, nourishment, and messages of safety it craves… Because when you nurture your sexual, pelvic, or reproductive health, you inherently enhance the integrity & radiance of your entire being.

I invite you to reconnect with the depth of your essence by attuning to the symphony of your sacred physiology.

~ Dr. Lauren Renee Favreau


Rune Acupuncture can help you with:



  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

  • Painful Periods

  • Short or Prolonged Cycles

  • Absent, Irregular, Heavy Periods

  • Spotting between Periods

  • Cycle-Related Issues: Fatigue, Headaches, Digestive Issues, Anxiety, Irritability, Depression, etc.

  • Ideal for cycle regulation with or without hormonal contraception (especially if discontinuing)


  • Endometriosis

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

  • Candida & Yeast Infections

  • Chronic UTIs

  • Interstitial Cystitis

  • Low Libido

  • Vaginal Dryness

  • Sexual Trauma


  • Pre-Conception Care & Cycle Attunement

  • Regulating mind-body post birth-control

  • Unexplained Infertility

  • Support with IUI/IVF treatments


  • Nausea & vomiting during pregnancy.

  • Mood & energy Support

  • Natural re-positioning for breech babies

  • Labor preparation

  • Fatigue & Insomnia

  • Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

  • Birth Trauma

  • Prolapse


  • Hot Flashes & Night Sweats

  • Mood Harmonizing

  • Pelvic & Bladder Support


Attune To Your Rhythms

& Wisdom Within

In Chinese Medicine, our cyclical rhythms are cherished for their capacity to ensure harmony in not only our pelvic, sexual, and reproductive health, but the web of our entire well-being. Their expressions intricately interconnected.

When balanced, there will be a normal oscillation of hormones, Qi, Blood, and Vital Substances that express themselves across all facets of our somatic, mental-emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

When production and/or flow of these are inhibited due to an underlying deficiency, stagnation, or other root cause, your bodies will vie for your attention, speaking to you through your symptoms as subtle as a whisper or as severe as a scream. Afterall, how we flow through the month mirrors how we flow through life.

Everything from how we nourish ourselves, rest, and tend to ourselves (or not) to the emotions, ruminations, and conflicts we harbor will reveal itself in the state of our tissues & pelvis. 

By listening to the cues, callings, suspicions, stirrings, aches, and pains within, you strengthen yourself with embodied awareness throughout every phase of your cycle & season of your life: at Maiden, Mother, or Elder Wise-Woman.

Even if you no longer have a uterus or are beyond your menstrual years, your womb’s imprint and the remembrance of these intrinsic rhythms remain in your somatic consciousness & cells - in the chamber of our bones…


Here at Rune, it is my privilege to guide you to return to yourself by becoming re-acquainted with your unique feminine essence - your authenticity, your edges, your softness, your creativity, your sacred sexuality & innate rhythms. In doing so, may you become the star of your own life who trusts her instincts and intuition - who sees through veils of illusion - who honors the ways her body speaks to her - who embodies her heart’s truth.

Harmony, vitality & sovereignty are your birthright.

Dr. Lauren Favreau


“After suffering in the Western medical system for over a decade looking for answers about ongoing hormonal & fertility issues, I truly felt at my lowest point in regard to my physical health…The confidence in which Lauren formulated a plan for treatment, not only in the form of acupuncture but also plentiful resources that covered the whole scope of my physical and mental well-being was truly life changing. I experienced a whole new outlook on what it is to have a healthy body and spirit, and how magic life can become when these are in alignment…Fast forward nearly two years and one 3-month-old baby later (yay!) I now visit Lauren for postpartum treatment, and I couldn't be more grateful for her work and her new enchanting practice.”


“Since the beginning I detested my menstrual cycle due to severe endometriosis and years of poor nutrition. That is until working with Dr. Lauren at Rune Acupuncture for physical and internal healing. After months of Acupuncture work and FINALLY finding relief, I was endowed with the miracle of carrying my son...Now 17 months later having brought life into this world, I am rejoined with my blood… I have found peace in her return, and I celebrate the journey I was told I would never have.”



Dr. Lauren is one of the most genuine and empathetic providers I have ever worked with… She helped me learn about better nutrition, and lifestyle changes and to be more aware of the signs my body shows me on a daily basis and how I could use these to understand and improve my health… She created a space that made me feel safe and comfortable to talk about some of the most private and personal details of my life as it related to my fertility treatment... I cannot recommend her enough.”

“I have been a patient of Dr. Lauren for over 3 years and her treatments have been a major part of my selfcare as I navigate the residue effects of Lyme Disease and the wide array of symptoms that come with perimenopause. She is amazing at her craft and each session provides me relief as well as restore my mobility. Acupuncture & cupping has helped relieve years of terrible joint pain, trouble sleeping, gastro issues, fatigue and hot flashes. I am a thankful to her for helping me stay functional and healthy.”


Compliance causes a shocking realization that must be registered by all women. That is, to be ourselves causes us to be exiled by others, and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves.

It is a tormenting tension that must be born but the choice is clear...

We may try to be nice when we should be knowing. We may have been taught to set aside acute insight in order to get along...

Sometimes we have to leave the chorus of detractors and plunge into the woods.

There is no way to both stay and go.

From Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Estés

Renewal Awaits

Let’s light a new path forward.