Can Beauty Hurt? How Chemicals in Skincare + Cosmetics Can Impact Your Health

BY Dr. Lauren dyer


Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closets or yard anymore. Have you ever thought of updating your skincare routine? This blog is all about why…

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG)—a non-profit, non-partisan organization— “on average, women use 12 personal care products a day, exposing themselves to 168 chemical ingredients.” Men use six, exposing themselves to 85 unique chemicals.”

Think about that for a second...

How many do you apply a day?

Looking at the safety of cosmetics + everyday products is something I talk about with patients, especially if they are coming in with:

  • depression

  • anger + irritability

  • food/chemical sensitivities

  • headaches/migraines

  • pms-related symptoms

  • hormonal acne, hives, etc

  • waking from 1-3am regularly

Why am I calling out these symptoms? 

They point to a root imbalance in the Liver.

Why does this matter?

It’s all connected. The chemicals in cosmetics + related products get absorbed into your skin and therefore, your bloodstream. Eventually they make their way to other other organs to be processed including, yep—your Liver.


The Liver is a known key detox organ. It filters your blood, breaking-down chemicals from food, drinks, drugs, plus personal/household products. It also helps keep your sex, thyroid, and adrenal hormones in check. 

In TCM, we refer to these roles more broadly in saying the Liver ensures the free flow of qi and blood〰️When bombarded by chronic chemical exposure, my patients notice their mood, energy, skin, and hormones suffer.

How clean are your cosmetics? 

To determine how safe your products are, be weary of ingredients you cannot easily pronounce, including these known endocrine disruptors:

  • Formaldehyde and formalin (shampoos)

  • Synthetic “fragrance” and “parfum”

  • Parabens (methyl-, propyl-, isopropyl-)

  • Phthalates (DBP, DEHP, DEP and others)

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and others 

  • Aluminum chlorohydrate (deodorants)


Can’t remember this list? No problem. 

There are mobile apps that let you look up your go-to products & their ingredients! 

You can even scan items through your phone & compare safety ratings before you buy: 

Here are some apps I recommend:

Think Dirty


Healthy Living 

For more information, visit the Environmental Working Group’s Skin-Deep Database.

My Top Clean Beauty Picks:

🌿 Beauty Counter

🌿 Neal’s Yard Remedies

🌿 Badger Balm

🌿 Primally Pure

Not affiliated, just love these brands.

Hope you found this blog helpful. If you are ready to start cleaning up your makeup routine, know that your liver, skin, and mood will thank you.


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