"Mental Illness" or A Slippery Slope to Disempowerment?

What if instead of labeling mental health conditions as “illnesses” that need to be managed, we viewed them as symptoms that can be healed? Learn how this new branch of science is reframing the narrative around mental health in a way that empowers you to heal on a deeper level.

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Zombies, Liver Toxicity, and Leaky Gut: Why Painkillers Should Have New Warning Labels

As popular as Tylenol, Advil, and other common pain killers are, they are not as harmless as our culture has lead us to believe. Learn about the lesser-known, surprising, and severe ways these these tiny pills affect our bodies and brains.

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Can Your Joints Predict The Weather?

Joint pain? Achey muscles? Arthritis? Learn what it means when your pain flares up with the specific weather patterns in Chinese Medicine and how Acupuncture can manage your pain naturally.

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