Plumpit Qi & The Voice-Womb Connection
Dr. Lauren R. Favreau Dr. Lauren R. Favreau

Plumpit Qi & The Voice-Womb Connection

Did you know that the vocal cords have a striking resemblance to the pelvic floor? In fact, their relationship has physical and energetic effects on our self-expression and more. Written by Acupuncturist Dr. Lauren Favreau and Physical Therapist Dr. Emily Wilson, learn about the throat-womb connection from a unique, integrated lens.

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Acupuncture for Anxiety
Dr. Lauren R. Favreau Dr. Lauren R. Favreau

Acupuncture for Anxiety

Anxiety is a symptom. It’s a normal reaction to abnormally stressful situations yet it’s exploded as the diagnosis of our nation. Find out how Acupuncture treats the root causes to anxiety plus the science behind why this ancient medical practice is so naturally effective.

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Can Your Joints Predict The Weather?
Dr. Lauren R. Favreau Dr. Lauren R. Favreau

Can Your Joints Predict The Weather?

Joint pain? Achey muscles? Arthritis? Learn what it means when your pain flares up with the specific weather patterns in Chinese Medicine and how Acupuncture can manage your pain naturally.

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